23rd Jul 2015
16th May 2017
No parts of the sub-frame PSTN mover save were copy/pasted to create this save. Permission was asked for use of this concept. Shows varying speeds of piston movers as well as tunneling capability. 7/25 - deco update
@muzau WHAT???!! NO!!!! the 3 ones at bottom go the same speed, because the 2 ones at the bottom are broken, the back part cant push the front part. Keeping it like this does not make it smoother it only makes it same speed as the 4th one. If you dont want it to be so fast, just remove the 2 useless ones that do not work.
@gollark8 not really, if it is a normal pstn mover it will just stop and break, these ones just use cray and need to work in perfect harmony and that can easily broken
The issue with PSTN movers in general is that a WALL or other similar obstacle makes them go crazy, duplicate madly and overload.
That's really great, though the faster versions are vulnerable to liquids and cannot make tunnels in them, whereas the basic one can.
@Guillian, while it's possible to raise the speed of the last few devices by adjusting the tmp value of PSTN, the devices become buggy and do not retain their shape throughout the process if this change is made. I chose operational smoothness over making it go faster.
@sheilak, the speeds are accurate as far as i can tell. 1 pixel every .25 frames corresponds to 4 pixels every 1 frame. If you measure the movement of the last three devices, each time you press "f" which is a single frame, it moves 4 pixels. This is what I used to measure the speeds. If you have a better method i'd love to hear it.
ok I just forgot yo disable a script
it doesn't work
oh my hod fix it already XD
not bad .