74 / 9
23rd Jul 2015
16th May 2017
No parts of the sub-frame PSTN mover save were copy/pasted to create this save. Permission was asked for use of this concept. Shows varying speeds of piston movers as well as tunneling capability. 7/25 - deco update
neat fast speed tunneler mover piston robots automatic electronic computer


  • bboh8891
    24th Jul 2015
    not bad .
  • Guillian
    23rd Jul 2015
    @Sheilakh you need to change the amount of particles a piston can push to make it go faster and that is: !set tmp pstn 9999
  • link0112
    23rd Jul 2015
    is there a way that you can make them go the direction down and left
  • Korteweg
    23rd Jul 2015
    Nice, but is it a copy of ID:1827837?
  • Guillian
    23rd Jul 2015
    bottom one is broken, the 2 in the back dont push cuz its too many blocks, set tmp of pstn to like a 9999
  • Vanhar
    23rd Jul 2015
    !set tmp pstn 10000
  • Sheilakh
    23rd Jul 2015
    Your listed speeds aren't right, should be 1 f, 1/2 f, 1/3 f, 1/4 f. It is interesting how it can't go any faster though...
  • muzau
    23rd Jul 2015
    Please leave any criticism here if you feel the need to downvote! Not everyone has to like it, I would just love to know why if you don't!