124 / 6
28th Jul 2015
23rd Jul 2016
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proton reactor sandwichlizard 7seg thermometer counter electronic electronics deut display


  • Sandwichlizard
    3rd Aug 2015
    it is as Sourec says. @Sourec. If you have an ID you have modified you may share it and I could maybe incorporate some of your mods with credit of course.
  • Sourec
    3rd Aug 2015
    @theclownbrothers I DO know how to operate it without melting it down, thank you very much. That's not the point, though - I was just pointing out that the reactor is extremely vulnreble (sp?) to high temperatures.
  • Sandwichlizard
    3rd Aug 2015
    @theclownbrothers. Thank you. When a user with leaves an "I have ever seen" comment on my save I make a point of checking out there saves and look for the oldest one. You have been here for at least 5 years (WOW), which makes your comment all the more meaningful. that said, I just built it the way that it made sense to me. By "load following" do you mean the reactor being downstream from the boiler and upstream from coolant reservoir?
  • theclownbrothers
    2nd Aug 2015
    @sourec, learn how to operate it and you won't get a reactor wall breach, Btw sandwichlizard this is probably the first reactor i've seen on TPT that is actually load following. Amazing job mate.
  • Sourec
    2nd Aug 2015
    It melts down a bit too easy... ideally it should be able to withstand 2,000 C temperatures, but it melts down before getting past about 1300. However, it can be fixed by changing the GLOW tank to TUNG, as well as key pipe entrance/exits, joints, and the heat exchanger to TUNG. You might need some PUMP around the heat exchanger though, otherwise the TUNG breaks.
  • program
    1st Aug 2015
    want to destroy it completely? !set type all figh
  • Sandwichlizard
    1st Aug 2015
    yes. but they do not lose life while they are passing thru other material. only in empty space.
  • thepowderscientist
    1st Aug 2015
    they goes away when the life runs out :p atleast for me
  • Sandwichlizard
    1st Aug 2015
    LOL. They dont just go away. In the reaction chamber, the DEUT chambers are lined with VOID(PROT). So it only sucks up protons. this was needed to control the sheer volume of protons created by the DEUT-PROT reaction. It basically slows the reaction. you could consider the void as control rods.
  • thepowderscientist
    1st Aug 2015
    the... protons just ... go away D: i made a small prototype of a proton reactor before this is made and that one makes protons and have no problem :p but still its kinda unstable sometimes