Sandwichlizard Haha thx xDDD
did i just predict the future? i said i wonder when fusion reactors would be built on tpt XD
@thepowderscientist. please remember that you have inspired me. also you should take what I made from your work and make it better and upload it. go for it. I know you can improve it.
When i sparked the noble gas, it didnt turn to plasma.
Inspired by this discussion, I built a fusion reactor that harvests electricity directly from the reaction itself, rather than from waste heat. ID:1831857, and thanks to thepowderscientist for giving me the idea in the first place.
I was talking about in TPT. I am aware of the current state of real world tech. @thepowderscientist. have fun and keep up the good work. signing off.
Fusion could be the next way to get energy, there is actually a facility where they use a very large and powerful laser to hit some hydrogen atoms in a chamber, and thus create fusion, but it currently uses more energy than it outputs. So if you want free energy you might have to wait a while...or install solar panels :)
it does cause fusion but the fusion is currently not really adding any value. however you could do this and get power from the fusion directly id:1831832 Who knew! Low grade fusion might be the way to go for power.
True, so really it's a fission reactor that could cause fusion