a new revolution in fusion power. Credit to thepowderscientist. a link to his save is in this one. I never thought low grade fusion would be the right choice for a spark making reactor.
@sandwichlizard, so in your own opinion, or just by facts, what is the best type of fustion? low or high grade?
here is my addition to this spark reactor, enjoy. id:1834024
it is barely fusion. the gas temp is on the low side so the reaction is producing noble and presure enough to make is spark. some other stuff but not many other particles like elec phot neut or plut uran or even warp or sing I will link to my fusion cannon. I would call that high grade fusion. I think it even makes an occasional warp particle.
@sandwichlizard, in the description, you say "low grade fustion" are yousaying that there are other types of fustion? if so, what are they?
@sourec: Thats too much work mang
@program I can make this all go BOOM with three commands: !set type all sing, !set tmp all 10000, and !set life all 1. BOOM!
i can make a nuclear explosion from this using !set type frme dray
thats an old save. I just bumped it because fusion is trending right now. it had its time on FP ages ago.
yeah xD like your new save
I like throwing fusion at brick walls...