If you perceive, the thing that looks like reality 100% in this save is the coffee maker, this is because the initial idea of save was only coffee maker (but then realized it was a very small thing to occupy all space of the save and I made the cooker and blender) I until came to look at my coffee in real life to discover how to it work, and do the same. :v
Just blender not work, it I putted in the save just for aesthetic... Coffe machine, cooker, refrigerator, all it work normally and reallistic (and if it became not realistic, I tried it the best of me) , IDK the cause of "Most of it does not work"
And thanks for support me :)
I sparked the blender and set the table on fire
Does anyone understand that all saves on FP aren't just based on functionality?! Just appreciate the fact that this guy (or girl) actually put in some effort and was rewarded for it (by getting FP). I support you GalacticCat.
too simple and most of it does not work -1
+0 too simple, try making a working blender, or mix clst with water (pste as coffe and clst as coffe grounds) for a working coffe maker, also add an electric stove and a wood oven. Maybe have electronics and heat setings