Hi TuDoR, haven't seen you in a while. Is there a new mod link?
Theres 6 actually. Bose-einstein, solid, liquid, gas, plasma and quark-gluon #2017Train
As well as next to frozen/gaseous DEUT
And you forgot a green triangle next to frozen OXYG
Represent gaseous carbon with CO2, that's how TPT does it.
Haven't got a clue. Neither is represented in TPT. Neutronium would presumably be fluid to an extent (no electrical fields or atomic bonds, so no fixed structure), but held fairly stationary by gravity (including its own). Possibly it could be a super-heavy powder or liquid generating its own Newtonian gravity, but there isn't anything like it actually in the game. As for the other, to be honest I don't know enough about the properties of BEC to even suggest anything.
how should i add something like that?
You missed at least two. Bose-Einstein Condensate is only thought to exist at or very close to absolute zero, and degenerate matter (aka, neutronium) results from pressure and/or gravity so intense that there is no longer any space between subatomic particles, so that PROT and ELEC are forced to merge into NEUT (effectively destroying atoms and making something totally different)