24 / 2
2nd Sep 2015
11th Aug 2016
In the short war against CNOfusioncycle, the Carne and Maw were dispatched to his home planet with bombers and tanks to conquer it. CNO in a last ditch effort bombed the Carne while she was rescuing refugees. Despite this, she survived.
battleship boat bomb cannon fighter laser nuke ship spaceship


  • Korteweg
    8th Sep 2015
    You shoud thank the new FP mechanics.
  • Novae-Ninja
    8th Sep 2015
    OMg, thanks guys for FP again!
  • MadMaxMelly01
    8th Sep 2015
    yep carne asada is steak in spanish
  • Korteweg
    8th Sep 2015
    Google returns me meat.
  • Novae-Ninja
    5th Sep 2015
    Because Carne is an awesome name.
  • Korteweg
    5th Sep 2015
    Why choosing this name?
  • HMSHood
    4th Sep 2015
    ok novae i will make you the official supplier of our ice cream and cheese cake
  • Novae-Ninja
    3rd Sep 2015
    Cool! Currently our factories are working on making one cheesecake every 1/9 of a nanosecond! We'll run the Cheesecake factory out of business!
  • HMSHood
    3rd Sep 2015
    ok i buy 100 trillion ice creams and also the 100 trillion troops could be turned to 1 quadrillion in about 1 week also our empire is most of the galaxy and we have 10 quadrillion population we can make a tank every 0.0000001 seconds if all factories that can make tanks made them we could also make 1 fighter every 0.00001 seconds and a space cruiser every minute (similar to the predator) and a space battleship every 30 minutes
  • Novae-Ninja
    3rd Sep 2015
    Daeox: IDK, ask him. lol. HMShood, while the Novus Legion has lots of army crud, our main export is ice cream, cheesecake and love. Please buy our premium 3 layer cheesecake available at a Predator-class Luxury cruiser ship near you.