please ask for a bunker, theres no rules in this bunker, just have a better life and bunker then the other guys, you can try to kill them and take there stuff, trade stuff with them, have a relatonship or just be friends!
sunny do you want to connect our bunkers
You found one Magazine for the Steyr AUG Carbine
i scavenge around the tree
And Bristrees, even though the water is acidic, your boat doesnt melt!
I would like to connect our bunkers bristrees, (i will connect them now, if u have an objection to this i will remove it) :)
Seppokalevi7, You dig around the ground of your base, and you notice somthing shiny sticking above the soil.. When you pull it out, you discover it is a .476 Calibre Einfield Revolver!
Please note thatthe water is acidic, put the package is lined with material that resits the accidity. So TDF2 your bottle melted and Bristrees the clothes melted.
Ok guys, updating now!
i would like to try and make a boat out of scrap metal found in the plane reckage
I'd like to mine down and expand the bunker pleasee