There is no original save to this. But whatever +1
Persistant view lets compare each rotation to the last
add forward thrust at the high point of the orbit or reverse thrust at the low point to round out the orbit.
Nice idea. The rocket boots make it a lot easier to move around. @F03K: Some mechanics are accurately simulated (like orbital decay), however orbits are weird in that they are always centered around the reference body (center of gravity in this case) and instead of true orbits, you get unrealistic elliptical orbits, some of which defy the laws of physics.
Oh. It doesn't use newtonian gravity for the radial gravity setting. I am disappointed in you, TPT. VERRRY disappointed.
It's sort of a shame it defies orbital mechanics. I was convinced for a moment, but it actually has two periapses, and somehome the argument of the periapsis (Or periapses) shifts? It also simulates very nicely orbital decay. Unfortunate :[ Cool though :D
please see my orbital stickman challenge
dude sandwichlizard you can put anything on fp