I once got 2000 views and fp on something that said: "don't look at this". My reverse pyscology worked!
@Dzeni true. We're scaring the newer players with how much we're discouraging these kind of saves :|
persistant mode and gravity off. neat save.
I know, WTF have I gotten two CNCT saves to the FP????
I think it would scare away new players if everything was only computers and god knows what else complicated stuff.
because they've made great saves to, that didn't got on FP. but don't worry anybody from tpt will have a save on FP in their tpt carrier. (if you didn't knew FP means: first page, tpt means: the powder toy) i had to split this comment, because it was to long btw
cool idea dude! i also have to say something to the people of tpt: please don't hate fp saves, that may be not the best ones, because 1.: it makes the creator very unhappy, if you hate the save, just because it's simple, 2.: today people only like complex saves or stuff like computer divises, but even making simple things can take a lot of time and work to make, 3.: i think many people on all social networks (the tpt chat is some kind of social network) only hate, because they are envious,
this is some hard-core akward tech dude!