It's not quite as cool, and unnecessarily large at that, but the stickman is kept at a comfy ~30c, with neither insulation nor cloned liquid nitrogen to keep the drop pod cool.
after the bottom heats up to 200+ press ctrl+the equals button
... make in slim tesc... spark+tesc=cold
This save is the answer to a challenge to build a pod that can survive simulated reentry into the earth's atmospere. Watch in heat display.
Is my computer strange? what happens in this save? someone please answer me. thanks.
now all we need is to make it not have to use sprk!
It feels like it should have a fancy top of some sort.
When you beat it hardcore the first time, it wasn't enough. You had to make it cry! xD
Well all I can say is... heat up the pumo when the uranium is at full temp he just gets decimated
but change the wall to energy only wall first
put protons in it when its at max temp, insta death