Using the new concept of really fast STOR pipe, I created an instant version with no CONV. Makes it safer to put stuff around, without said stuff dissolving or doing other strange things.
it doesnt work in reverse direction
Damn that's fast. Carried one pixel of BCOL from start to end in 3 frames. However, it isn't very safe because flammable substances get sparked and clog the end with a fireball. Very nice for almost everything else. +1
Can't transport too much flammable material at a time (e.g. dust) because it will clog at the end and then the electricity will set it on fire. Still very good though, and I thought that fast pipes were good! ;)
4x4 is impossible, unless you just mean 2 2-wides stacked on top of each other, which is really easy and obvious, and thus unnecessary to display here.
Also, aren't both of them exposed...
... make a 4x4 please
Unless you meant the one on the bottom, in which case you're completely right.
Depends on how you define it. When you put the particle in, press f. If you did it right, the particle will now be at the other end of the pipe.
Not instant. 2 Frames mate.
Heh heh... To make it two-wide, I had to expose the wires. With proper insulation, the one the top might not cause that problem.