2 / 0
18th Nov 2015
8th Feb 2016
If you can ignore the huge amounts of radiation, supercyclones, megatsnunamis, earthquakes and meteor impacts this planet is actually quite habitable. Seeing this great opportunity the Dreii have started a colony on this planet.
korloz dreii


  • the_new_powder99999
    18th Feb 2016
    What do you need it for? I might be able to make a better version.
  • explosivepowder
    17th Feb 2016
    Ehh... It will do... I was wanting something that showed more of the generall stregth of it without using EHOL, (perhapse PTCT, INSL, QRTZ, and TTAN) But ok.
  • the_new_powder99999
    17th Feb 2016
    ID:1939628 Is this what you want? Or were you thinking of something that uses less 'cheaty elements' or something that represents more of the internal structure or something?
  • explosivepowder
    17th Feb 2016
    (also, can you give me a save idea of an actual sample of the stuff? Perhapse useing layering)
  • explosivepowder
    17th Feb 2016
    (yes, It was a 1x1x1 mile cube, it was however cut into smaller pieces to be more transportable)
  • the_new_powder99999
    17th Feb 2016
    *1x1x1 mile cubes
  • the_new_powder99999
    17th Feb 2016
    Since building computers like that can take a while, you could start researching other things about the neutronium, like what it can be used for, how to destroy it, etc. (Also, was the sample one of those 1.5km^3 cubes?)
  • explosivepowder
    15th Feb 2016
    (continued from first comment, not the one right below) This would not be a problem normally, but sence we have done alot of inter-galactic, and now some inter-galactic-cluster, missions, it has been lacking.
  • explosivepowder
    15th Feb 2016
    And sence we do want to recreate it, Than thanks for the computer info, We will be building several Taristan brains around stars, These are among the most powerfull supercomputers we have - And they require entire stars too be powered. Preferably a close binary-red-dwarf pair - sence it will last a long time - It needs to be binary due to the low energy output of red dwarfs - Thankfully mass consentrators will be able to make finding them easier - as we can create them.
  • explosivepowder
    15th Feb 2016
    Yes, Every bit helps, As for coolent vessals, There are planty getting ready to come from galfa - Problem is we have had an antimatter shortage for the exot and bizarcta to react with to produce FTL thrust. There are currently many ships returning from meshorsha (our main antimatter source), when they arrive the shortage should end.