2 / 0
18th Nov 2015
8th Feb 2016
If you can ignore the huge amounts of radiation, supercyclones, megatsnunamis, earthquakes and meteor impacts this planet is actually quite habitable. Seeing this great opportunity the Dreii have started a colony on this planet.
korloz dreii


  • explosivepowder
    6th Dec 2015
    Aha. You say the galexy is /completly/ unsafe? While yes, Lots of threts hide, We have scaned this galexy, and are closly monitering the civilisations inside of it, If they threten to destroy anything, we will immedietly take action. Also, I know that around the binary gas giants in this system, there are many resources, And energy shouldnt be that hard with black hole radiation.
  • the_new_powder99999
    5th Dec 2015
    Dreii: The resources we require are mainly fuel and energy. Once we have completed a base in the nearby large nebula we will require no more resources.
  • the_new_powder99999
    5th Dec 2015
    Dreii: You may have defended the galaxy from some external attacks, but there could easily be lots of threats inside the galaxy, after what happened to the old Dreii empire, you can be certain that nowhere is safe.
  • explosivepowder
    5th Dec 2015
    Rather, in that sence, But quintillian is the extra 3 digits after quadrillian, Wich is the extra 3 digits of trillion, wich is the extra 3 digits of billion, Wich, You guessed it, Is the extra 3 digits of thousand.
  • explosivepowder
    5th Dec 2015
    (in case you dont know, quintillian is the 5th in the sequence of: Single, Double, Triple, Quadrouple, Quintuple.
  • explosivepowder
    5th Dec 2015
    Tacterians: Oh! Sure! We will begin building a hanger for you. Where would you like it to be? Also, No need for the defencive materials, We have defence around this galexy already! Mostly with an armed aray of solar panals all orbiting the galexy, There collecting quintillians upan quintillians upan quintillians of giga-jools of energy per second, Would you like us to beam some of this power to you?
  • the_new_powder99999
    30th Nov 2015
    Dreii: Our primary goal requires us to expand throughout nearby starsystems and explore the galaxy. We have no intention to expand further, and our only military forces will be for defense. We request that you permit us to do this, and we request some tools and resources to help us get started.
  • explosivepowder
    27th Nov 2015
    (my race currently has no idea on dreiis currnet intention) The tacterians decide to ask what the dreii plan for, As too help out some.
  • the_new_powder99999
    25th Nov 2015
    Also, the Dreii may seem weak at the moment, but I have some big plans for them. Their next steps will be moving into space, terraforming this planet as much as possible, and exploring the galaxy. They haven't built in space already because they have reasons to be on the surface.
  • the_new_powder99999
    25th Nov 2015
    I might publish this save if it becomes more impotant. The problem is: I have so many different saves that are just planets, publishing them seems pointless, you can find them from their galaxy anyway.