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18th Nov 2015
8th Feb 2016
If you can ignore the huge amounts of radiation, supercyclones, megatsnunamis, earthquakes and meteor impacts this planet is actually quite habitable. Seeing this great opportunity the Dreii have started a colony on this planet.
korloz dreii


  • explosivepowder
    24th Nov 2015
    Also, one thing i noticed about the dreii colony, If you destroy all the terrain, But leave the buildings (bottom part included) the dome building looks like an artificial floating building, How about an orbiting floating island set that the dreii form, As to escape the megatsunamis and super-cyclones, At the expence of even more radiation.
  • explosivepowder
    24th Nov 2015
    Oh. Ok then. :P So this is your private save account? Also, Why did you think this should be private, I really see nothing about it disqualifiing it from being public.
  • Korloz
    24th Nov 2015
    I try to keep most of my planets and stuff on this account, having 30 pages of private saves that are all very similar is not something that I want on my main account.
  • explosivepowder
    24th Nov 2015
    New powder? How did you get "Korloz" to make this for you? Or is it an alt account, And if so... why on an alt account?
  • explosivepowder
    24th Nov 2015
    Ehh, I just think itd be inhabitable, Think about it, A huge never-ending storm at the side thats lit by the sun, And endless freeze on the other side, Yeah, Thats a tiny maridian for life, Too windy and hot, Too cold, That small meridian would probably still have insanely strong winds whipping around so fast it would uproot any plants, And without plants, Well, Life completly dies.
  • the_new_powder99999
    24th Nov 2015
    What makes you think it would be so uninhabitable? I assume it is something to do with the temperature because I had previously considered polar supercyclones, and there were places that were safe from the strong winds and the tsunamis.
  • the_new_powder99999
    24th Nov 2015
    The planet is on quite a large tilt, probably 45+-10 degrees. The strong tidal forces will tidally lock it eventually, but that won't happen for a while, at the moment they are causing huge tsnuamis that sweep around the equator of the planet daily, and help to create the neverending cyclones at the poles which move in circles slowly throughout the year.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Nov 2015
    Nevermind about the 4th comment (out of all of them) Such a planet would be completly inhabitable.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Nov 2015
    But its up to you, Sence i dont want to force anyone.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Nov 2015
    Also, sence i could never do this, I was wandering if you could make a map, Like a flat paper mapof morfar. You can deside whats on the oposite side, but i would like to keep the style of the planet the same as whats shown here. Sorry to trouble you, Its just so needed. Maby you could make the map, and put lockation markers for the ultra storm at the north spin pole, and positions of dreii bases.