2 / 0
18th Nov 2015
8th Feb 2016
If you can ignore the huge amounts of radiation, supercyclones, megatsnunamis, earthquakes and meteor impacts this planet is actually quite habitable. Seeing this great opportunity the Dreii have started a colony on this planet.
korloz dreii


  • Korloz
    22nd Jan 2016
    ID:1893008 Finally did the surface map.
  • the_new_powder99999
    22nd Jan 2016
    It is only 10 days until winter, after then you should be careful if you plan to send any ships to our base, the supercyclone generates some powerful lightning. 9 days after that, the drone we sent into the Disc nebula will have returned with the fuel we need to launch the colony ships that we are constructing at the moment.
  • Korloz
    17th Jan 2016
    The single ship that was sent into the nebula has made a lot of progress. ID:1908780 then ID:1922705
  • the_new_powder99999
    17th Jan 2016
    The Dreii find the pod and clear it's solar panels, then resend the message. Afterwards they begin to repair their broken communications.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    The drop pod automatically fires a beacon, alerting both the dreii, and orbiting tacterian ships, about its presence.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    The tacterians send a please resend message down to morfar, But no responce.The tacterians immedietly know exactly what happened: The dreiis communications systems broke too, as well as backups, Soon, The tacterians send a drop pod down with a working communications system. It successfully landed about 2 miles away from dreii base 1, then it activated its fusion shield, It worked, Though time was limited - as the dust whirled up by the wind covered the solar panels, and made them useless.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    Most tacterian ships had a backup system like this. And there most powerfull backup system back at galfa would be communicateing about 100 LY apart. FTL drives still worked, But reactors were unstable, and so FTL drives could not be used.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    An attempt was made to regain communications, They were regained, but could only communicate, at highest distance, the distance between morfar and terta upan closest approach.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    *think, not thing
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    Back at the communication ship, They try to decode what they said, They thing that proces would turn into processing power, But couldnt figure out much else.