2 / 0
18th Nov 2015
8th Feb 2016
If you can ignore the huge amounts of radiation, supercyclones, megatsnunamis, earthquakes and meteor impacts this planet is actually quite habitable. Seeing this great opportunity the Dreii have started a colony on this planet.
korloz dreii


  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    They black out due to meshorshas massive explosion.
  • explosivepowder
    9th Jan 2016
    The tacterians recieve "So, that confirms that the ships did indeed attack eachother, however the ai that controlled these ships weren't just ordinary computers, their proces-(communications black out)
  • the_new_powder99999
    31st Dec 2015
    So, that confirms that the ships did indeed attack eachother, however the ai that controlled these ships weren't just ordinary computers, their processing power was almost at the physical maximum. Preventing an error like that would be incredibly easy. There must be something we are missing.
  • explosivepowder
    24th Dec 2015
    New powder, ID:1907400 has some requests. Sorry to be overloading you if i am, Ill try and practice making planets bigger in the future.
  • explosivepowder
    24th Dec 2015
    It appears your automation turned on you. So yeah, remember that next time you make frind or foe systems and the stage of a cival war was set.
  • explosivepowder
    24th Dec 2015
    Okay, after using some time travel, the tacterians figure out what happened to the dreii without any paradoxes forming (luckily) "Turns out it appears it was a cival war, than the friend or foe systems you had decided that your own race was foe, and so the fired at your own race, when noone was in the area, missiles would be fired, and would automatically track there spawn ship.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Dec 2015
    If your confused about the white hole Dark matter anti-matter mattar physics, see ID:1909332 (in the comments i put an explanation)
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Dec 2015
    The white hole probably spawned anti-matter because menshora brought anti-matter dark matter as well, That was aparently enough to spark a white hole, than obliterate what was left of the central black hole.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Dec 2015
    And BTW, The ring galaxy has a huge update done recently, It now has 1 system in it, The biggest system i have made, in fact.
  • explosivepowder
    22nd Dec 2015
    That galaxy has been unstable for billions of years, Ever sence it collided with "Menshora" Wich had a much higher consentration of anti-matter than we have ever seen, Some planets there are made of anti-matter, When it collided the antimatter/matter obliteration shockwaves shook the whole galaxy, Making it unstable, It seems that its only been recently that the 2 smbh's collided, that caused it to explode, the stars where still in eliptical orbits though, then that white hole spawned.