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wow, so much work for thermite. make it more compact.
All the BCOL pipes break into BMTL, which blocks the BCOL from burning.
Hey guys i made a cool tutorial id=1901036
Well I had fun setting the bcol on fire and leaking it all into under the flame to make it hotter which I think sped up the thrm production and I also added some uranium and plutonium which headed the brick up to much and some of it was sucked up and got clumped back down to where the stuff was releases then exploading and just burning the whole thing down to pieces! fun save +1
This is extremely well thought-out; the only hitches are using 2px-thick pipe and having a ton of coal just sitting around all the time. Try using 1px-thick pipe!
the heating mechanism breaks down too easily
i cant say its bad or great. i just like it. its a bit large and almost clumbsy. ill edit it and post it. Sill like the ideas behind it though!