25th Dec 2015
29th Mar 2016
Now they don't use wifi, so you can have more than one operating independently. They also don't break from hitting walls, each other, or from normal strength GRVT.
or bhol...
put WHOL on the walls to stop the food bots walking along the walls
a made a "robot" that can detect and follow any ctype you want, I just know that once i upload there will be a sudden increase of designes odly with striking similarities as mine like what happened last time :/
Next goal: self-replicating
i made a 'herbivore' cell that produces grvt and moves randomly... ID:1913470
well done. i placed lots of them and bots survived
It definitely helps that GRVT also has some intelligent behavior.
When a cell is right against the CLNE it cant really move anywhere else to get more, while a higher concentraction grows next to the first one on either side, drawing the second cell around it to the other side. Kinda like how preditors will deplete a food source (prey) that groups away from the predtior and the second one will have to move.
I was thinking about why it would do such a thing @msasterisk and noticed that GRVT seems to almost avoid the cells. It's because the cells are "eating" GRVT casueing higher amounts of it to be away from the cell, drawing the GRVT away.
Spontaneous, benificial, and unpredicted behavior is exactly what we're going for