56 / 3
25th Dec 2015
29th Mar 2016
Now they don't use wifi, so you can have more than one operating independently. They also don't break from hitting walls, each other, or from normal strength GRVT.
sfpi grvt bots robot pstn mover ship crawler


  • msasterisk
    26th Dec 2015
    Wow! It's pretty cool, they trap the clne which benifits both of them, yet they don't give a darn about the other. Spontaneous sysmbiosis! Wooot!
  • perogiepro
    26th Dec 2015
    Amazing work!
  • 12Me21
    26th Dec 2015
    I noticed that they quickly "learned" to work together, with one above the CLNE and one below, to trap all the GRVT. However, this method isn't the most efficient, since it greatly decreases the output of the CLNE.
  • msasterisk
    25th Dec 2015
    +1 because awesome
  • 12Me21
    25th Dec 2015
    Now it shouldn't ever break! I've tested it for about an hour, and it worked perfectly! (previous versions broke in only a few minutes)
  • 12Me21
    25th Dec 2015
    I put some wire to shield the electronics from CRAY(SPRK) that misses (which happens when it fires when the PSTN mover is moving)