4th Jan 2016
1st Feb 2016
A keyboard that is made to be large enough to use on a touchscreen. You can modify the font it uses by changing the letters on the right. Once you have finished typing type "!set type coal none" into the console. (Open the console by pressing ~)
The piston method that lshh mentioned won't work because the font is meant to be easy to change.
@Korloz. maybe you could put another PSTN set at the top of the screen to push text back down to undo an ENTER
@lshh. exactly. the PSTN method is how I did it in my dray word writer.
I love the tap :D
I have a way to do both Backspace and Shift, but you won't be able to undo the Enter key.
a back space button would take a lot fo space. it would need a incrementer (or whatever they're called) for every character to keep up with the text. not only that, but you would have to get an incrementer that works both ways. it would be very hard. or wait. an easier way would be to have a piston move along with the letters. with cray(sprk)
@atomic, that would make shift key in here tedious as caps lock in real life w/o shift key invented. Basically that would make the caps lock useless.
Nice job. +1
+1 but can you add a backspace and a shift button(like caps lock, but turns off after 1 letter)?
Use AND gates and you can implement Shift key.