91 / 2
4th Jan 2016
1st Feb 2016
A keyboard that is made to be large enough to use on a touchscreen. You can modify the font it uses by changing the letters on the right. Once you have finished typing type "!set type coal none" into the console. (Open the console by pressing ~)
keyboard text invention electronic tapbutton tabnottap tapnottab font useful watertap


  • jasiu2002
    5th Jan 2016
    Also I love the tap button.
  • jasiu2002
    5th Jan 2016
    @PortalPlayer it also shouldn't affect buttons like ,< .> or /? but here it's used for everything since pressing shift every time might get tedious (this isn't a real keyboard so you can't just hold shift down)
  • NewTrain64
    5th Jan 2016
    +8888888888888888888 for humor.
  • _Theo
    5th Jan 2016
    TAP! +1
  • PortalPlayer
    5th Jan 2016
    Only problem is that caps lock doesn't affect the top number row. (as in, it shouldn't)
  • PortalPlayer
    5th Jan 2016
    Cool tab bu-- oh wait there isn't one ;)
  • lshh
    5th Jan 2016
    simple but put in practice beautifully.
  • lshh
    5th Jan 2016
    this is quite ingenious. it uses the tmp and tmp2 functions to set the copy range and the paste range. basically, it copies the small amount ot text in front and pastes it, leaving a large gap using tmp2. then its pistoned to the rest of the letters. wow.
  • lucian2004
    5th Jan 2016
    Nice job! Love the tap xD By the way, there is a bit of an issue with it but I dont know if you can fix it or not. When clicking 2 buttons at once, it freezes up and makes it impossible to type again.
  • 4_3_2_1_
    5th Jan 2016
    +1 cus that tap butten