If you like/dislike. Tell why in the comments. T-34 very stronk tovarishch. Makes stalin proud. It's armor is Iron infused with stalinium!
The T-34s are fairly balanced due to the br changes imo
Gotta get rekt by my Cancevon ;D
I gotta admit, russian rank 5's are sorta op as those t-10ms and t54's just roflstomp everything. Coming from a person who spams t-54s :)
I have no room to tell anyones opinion as I play all nations and never really feel anyone Is as strong as german airforce ;) Das Ist gud
In planes? Still a no on that. Their guns are more centred. Thus. Meaning more shells hitting on target. They also have much less ammo. And from what I see most teams with horrible teamwork, spreading out, all trying to ground strike often fail against russian teams. Not due to bias but due to russian performing at a much higher level 3000km an below.
I play warthunder and I can assure you @FurryGir There is no russssian bias. Only misplaced fuel tanks, incorrectly made ammo. as you will notice T-34-85 has an 85mm cannon. Checking the stats the highest pen at 10m Is 145. BUT It can utterly destroy you If given the chance. It only has 45mm of armor all round the hull in warthunder. 47 IRL. still quite weak
Anyone played WarThunder? This thing is pure evil
man, that tank needs a better muzzle brake lol
I feel as the fuel on russian tanks. Mainly on T-34 series and Kv1. It often blacks out when hit and will block a few shots sometimes. Rarely catching flames @Vaccine
Well In TPT It would electrify the metals in the tank and cause the wood to burn and firework to instantly combust. IRL? just a slight bit of rubble for this stronk russian tenk :DD