120 / 12
31st Jan 2016
1st Feb 2016
Draw a powder/gas/liquid on the screen and watch what happens! This was a coop project between Korloz and me.
soap bhol grabber destroy attacker putamtr goesthroughwalls antibombing laser persistent


  • nates5225
    1st Feb 2016
    Add small spurts of neut for awesome effect!
  • florynel09
    1st Feb 2016
    Cool !!!!!!!!!!!! +1 !
  • jeffluo35
    1st Feb 2016
    change. Then, use standard layering tecniques (!set x soap <xvalue>, !set y soap <yvalue>, and same for bray). To make sure it does not collapse in bhol, put the layered bray and soap on ehole. As the bray deletes itself, it will leave an opening in the # of the particle, so whatever you draw after the bray dies takes that particle #. The soap promptly attaches to that #, and pulls it into bhol.
  • jeffluo35
    1st Feb 2016
    It contains lots of layered SOAP. The SOAP has (should have) a ctype of GUN, which means that it should connect to other particles of SOAP. The particle it connects to is set by its tmp, and its tmp should be set by the # of the particle (seen in debug mode below the element info). The life sets when the soap link will cease to exist, so set that as high as possible. First make one of them connecting to one particle of BRAY, then copy and paste that. The tmp of the soap should automatically
  • Korteweg
    1st Feb 2016
    Closed my pc and left for a day. The last recorded messages on TPTMP before the connection timed out were about what led to this.
  • Qweryntino
    1st Feb 2016
    Can you explain how it works please?
  • goldenrod
    1st Feb 2016
    turned into radial thing that ate anything i drew instantly. it would connect to my mouse
  • handicraftsman
    1st Feb 2016
    Overloaded with photons
  • the_new_powder99999
    1st Feb 2016
    There have been saves a long time ago where the ctype of life is changed, causing it to change into a different type. I'm doing tests with this save, hopefully we find something.
  • BigPig
    1st Feb 2016
    NO. LIFE is solid. It doesn't mutate, just the soap connected to it changes its life/tmp.