This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Thomas, you unlock large canoes. Can you make an icon for your religion?
yes bruh
Thomas, are you trying to say "Satanism" like you said at school?
Can you make icons for it?
i fish in the ocean and log trees to build bigger boats
i create saintinism
i create kriadisim it is where we worship the amian god kraid (thats a reference btw)
You guys should create religions (totally not copying KerbinWide)
Ima move the copper research time down to 1 day. Since Johnny is the only one with a mine in the mountains and he discovered copper ore yesterday, he gets copper, but it is very expensive and hard to mine.
I updated this with new people