This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
They scream "You are a murderer! We came in peace"!
The messangers are thrown into the ocean, using our awesome canoes. Since your people are technologicaly potatoy they don't know how to swim and drown.
I send messangers to Avi to make peace (Because he denounced me)
I research slings, large canoes, villages, and religions.
I expand north and south, train 1k troops, buy 4 villages, and denounce everyone for letting me get to be this OP without any effort
I really like how this save is powered by the community, also, anyone who wants to add to this save USE THIS:
*bangs head against wall in frustration*
After you research at least 5 things from the Age you are in. Avi's already in the Early Copper Age; you guys need to catch up.
I expand. Can we research stuff from the second node yet?
People. Read. The. Spreadsheet.