This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Oh, that's not Hixel, that's a group that seperated from Dragon, but still wants to trade with everyone.
I meant I invaded the colony.
I am right next to Hixel!
You guys do realize that you are too far from Hixel?
I research gunpowder.
I train 100 troops. I then invade Hixel.
I use my boats to establish a colony at X:143 Y:326. I train 300 more troops!
i march my troops to hixel to invade him
My Fellow People Come Up To Me Saying "NEW ELEMENT!!!| STONE I NAME IT
i develop pickaxes and shovels and then start digging holes. my people find a brown deposit that forms a strong substance when heated. this is then used to make tools like axes and swords.