This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Why are my favourites dissapearing????
Sure. .
Can I have the pass to Shinovar now?
Eric, you don't mine for crem. Crem is dissolved in rainwater. And no, you don't find napalm.
I expand along the coasts in between my colonies
While mining for crem, I come across a red goopy sludge which i call bomr (napalm). When I try to smelt bomr, the furnace blasts apart with an unfamilliar sound I call a bume (explosion). One smelter dies, six wounded and four deafened.
i build more farms and i develop boats
I expand east and set up a trade route with Hixel
I expand as far west as I can. But I am too scared to go mainland because there might be copper. I am scared of copper.