This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
My king and the ACR has also pledged to start any wars with any country. My country will transport goods across the sea for any country (with a small price), and will trade with any country. I also make my ships stronger, bigger, and faster.
The word "country" is supposed to be "colony"
This requirement was made by an the Annual Council of Representitives. The ACR is made of representitives from each country who meet with the king each year to make laws and address issues.
freeso is supposed to be: free time, so
All my people from the ages 18-40 take military training time as part of their duty to their their freeso that if in case of an emergency, all my able bodied citizens will be able to fight. I am also requiring that all people from 18-40 are armed at all times with a small hand weapon. I increase my standing army to 100 and these are all guards.
I send out explorers and encounter gelix and science boy and estabish trade routes with them. I also stop colonizing in that direction and start to colonize the eastern and southern coasts
um, i should have 35 troops, i trained 10 more specifically to use stone whips that they lob at ememies. My other 25 troops now get equipped with wooden rafts (as sheilds) and stones on long sticks (stone pokers)
I split 1 of the huge nets in half, and use them as removable walls on each side of this tower. I do the same for the other one
I build a small, wooden tower in the water, in the middle of the confluence between the two rivers next to my capital, to control movement of boats to my city. I build another downstream to control it aswell