This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I hoped to make thermite. D:
I might use that font if we get a bunch of new players, but it's kind of hard to read.
Your mines produce crystals of different colors; you call them gems.
Hmm, that font looks good. You don't have aluminum because it's really hard to process, and there's none on Roshar anyway. You again fail to melt iron.
I crush Iron and try to melt it in a furnace.
I notice some of the tin coming out of one of my mines is different than the rest. I call the new material aluminium.
Solution to space problem: Use this font id:1938274
my coastal town also expands along the coast in search of materials and food
um... no, anyway i have to go, so i will train 10 new troops all equiped with throwing stone whips, and 1 stone whip that they are not alowed to throw. If they do, they get slapped...
Do you have TPTMulti?