33 / 12
12th Feb 2016
19th Apr 2016
This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
nationwide roshar


  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    Because 2000 - 500 is a really hard math problem? -_-
  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    All which took about 5 seconds, and I' not including it in my NW. No, I'm not giving you credit for this, because you did literally nothing to make this NW.
  • LogoPogo
    14th Feb 2016
    I even took the curtisy of doing the spliting math, wich was for seconed graders mind you
  • LogoPogo
    14th Feb 2016
    I added a travil path, colored territory, made romm up top, and I am a new grupe.
  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    There are other people that are in line to join before you.
  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    As stated below, YOU HAVE TO JOIN AS A NEW GROUP. And what work did you do besides add your name and copy this save?
  • LogoPogo
    14th Feb 2016
    So all this time and effort is lost beause, 1. you dont under stand how split off ( minor revilution ) works, and 2. I did all the work but i dont get cred for trying.
  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    1. You can't take Dragon's stuff, you have to join as a new group. 2. Other people before you asked to join, so if any new room is made they will be the ones that are let in because they asked first.
  • LogoPogo
    14th Feb 2016
    I used a different name to fit, use google translate. also why would you want a country named logopogo? XD
  • Windspren
    14th Feb 2016
    That's not your name though.