This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
guys, please read the comments about this being full before asking to join!
can i Have X177 Y235?
my people start work on a two huge fishing nets (mades from reeds and stones) that span the entire river, attempting to catch tons of fish very quickly
If you can find a way to fit your names in the table, you can join.
Whoa, people. Did you even read the comment I posted about this being full???
XD well i cant complain, i was gone for 5 sec and then this happened. this chat is fast
Gelix, want to trade?
...redish orange... Can't keep up!
I build more ships so trade increases
@LogoPogo: You published the comment while i was still typeing my comment - I havn't seen it until now.