This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
JackX: Your food production increases. erictom333: You train 10 troops. You don't have a population big enough to claim the entirety of those islands, and don't yet have boats. atomic2385: Blue = better. You get stone tech. JackX: You get boats xxdragonsfirexx: NO IRON YET. Hixel: Okay. asthepanda3: :( . atomic2385: Your population increases. TotallyPro: Sure.
Wow, FP again!
Kevino: If you put this command into the console and unpause, the map will glow. !set temp all 2400
Who wants my 2 southern most colonies?
can i join at x120 y190
now that i have basic stone tools, i start to build more advanced houses, meaning my people can survive better.
Sorry Kevino, I meant x383 y238. But I had to go past about 21 pages to find my coords, so I really don't wan't to play now. (sorry, but you know how I hate that)
I make colonies on islands near me and i expand along the coast
and i expand all my places
i begin heatin the bronze forge when it reaches 990c i put in the iron