This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I explore that way, knowing there has to be something civilized in that direction. It can't be me, because I am not that techonogically advanced.
my main tribe expands too
Johnny, after the next Highstorm, you notice some garbage blows in from somewhere to the East (since Highstorms travel from East to West)
my colony exoands
You find nothing in the area besides a few wild axehounds.
Your sailors quickly run out of supplies because you got blown off course, but they manage to survive on fish.
Uhmm, I send 200 people and 100 troops to scout my surrounding area.
You get fair winds, but are blown slightly off course.
i salvage the sail and invent the boat