This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I still have the glowing quartz, right? I'm making it right? If I have it, I go out on a canoe and go fish spearing during the night. I use the glowing quartz to mesmerize the fish and make it easy to spear.
Canoes are far too small to mount sails on them, but you notice that wind moves stuff and keep the tech just in case.
ok then, canoes.
I make more of them, and invent sails. (My nationwide)
It was a canoe.
Remember that washed-up log boat?
What about sails?
fine then, i keep the quartz.
"I invent sails" :D
Why don't you want to use the quartz?