This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
toward gelix and scienceboy. Then explore the Purelake.
uhh, nevermind about the quartz, I expand west.
I meant a light alternative.
Nlatham's stranded sailors that are shipwreked in Aimia establish a colony.
The glow from the rough quartz fades after a few days.
Also, you don't even know that Nlatham exists, so you can't declare war on him.
The quartz glows because of Stormlight, but doesn't produce heat.
I make tons of glowing quartz and use it as a simple and safe altermative to fire.
I'm basically the largest empire right now. I have the most people, the largest army, the most land, and a fair tech level. Yeah, I declare war.