This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Also, Nlatham has established a colony close to you.
It turns out some of my people have been sharpening quartz instead of rocks.
500 then!
You don't have enough weapons for 1k troops, only about 500.
Anyways, I train 1K troops (lol).
I use knives to increase harvest speed and also use them as a weapon.
I turn chucking rocks into sharpening rocks and create the first knife. BTW can you explain what happened while I was gone?
i mine copper and smelt it using a stone forge
Nlatham, while sailing, a Highstorm hits and one of your ships is blown accross the ocean. The ship and crew miraculously survive (Tanavast was drunk) and get wrecked on the coast of Aimia.
Sure. .