This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Just mine some copper.
nlatham: The ships look good, and they could probably survive a highstorm if in a lait.
xxdragonsfirexx: I don't do bribes
whada ya say
hey kevin ill give you the land i occupy from hixel on your other nation wide CROSS PROMO if you let me go to copper age .....................................................................................................................................whada say?
My ship: Id:1937335
I shout that I am a friend and will not harm the scout.
Zinc refining is currently out of your capabilities, as you don't have 907 C furnaces.
Repost: When ScienceBoy and Gelix first meet, one of Gelix's scouts panics and throws a rock at ScienceBoy.
and we get raw zinc and try to refin it how does it go?