This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
My people build huge ovens out of stone and start to melt copper. The copper is viewed as valuable and so it is not used for amouring the soldiers. The soldiers' armour is made out of shell.
Gold. .
Eric, what color?
I build 18 boats, with 40 people on each of them and these boats split of in pairs in order to establish 9 new colonies. 4 soldiers go with each colony to keep the colonists safe.
I will join at Tethall Island x=300 y=80.
When ScienceBoy and Gelix first meet, one of Gelix's scouts panics and throws a rock at ScienceBoy.
... wow, I nickname Gelix 'The Advanced'
I begin training 100 troops to fight with copper spears!
One of my people has a genius idea of tieing a reed to a long stick and dangling it into the river, a fish catches and he puts it on the boat, but it quickly squirms off back into the river