This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Dragon, you see 2 other Aimians using a hollowed out log as a boat.
And you haven't discovered zinc, which you have to alloy with copper to make brass.
we were mining a vien of metals
Brass is an alloy, not a metal you can find in veins.
we keep mining and find a wierd orange metal and call it brass the amienese word for orange
You toss it aside, as it is useless to you.
xxdragonsfirexx: You fail to melt the iron, but it becomes a dull red.
We have 7 upvotes and 1 downvote, which happened when we got FP. So this has 6 votes right now.
i find a grey dull metal in the gound and call it iron we fan the fire beacause of our first did it so we figured why cant we?
Are you sure? because i can see the votes/ upvotes of my saves, but not yours. BTW i dont have jacobs mod.