This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I have Jacob's mod, which lets you see votes.
And on the multi-save view, its completely full.
It has 6 upvotes, and had 7 before FP.
Johnny, while mining one of your people discovers a dull grey metal that melts easily. You name it tin, but it makes poor tools.
Really? Because on my screen the upvote bar is more than three-fourths full.
Anyways, my people start blowing and fanning fires to make them stronger. They saw the wind do that during the Highstorm.
I haven't seen any.
When ScienceBoy and Gelix first meet, one of Gelix's scouts panics and throws a rock at ScienceBoy.
It also means a ton of up votes.
FP = downvotes.