This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
oh, you chuck the rockbuds and scine they are supposed to be hard, they hurt a lot.
I expand upstream!
While chucking rocks at an animal, one of the rocks breaks in half and creates a sharp point. We experiment with chucking stones on the ground to make them sharp.
How exactly do you turn rockbuds into weapons? And do you want to follow that river upstream? There might be something there...
I expand deeper into the mountains and mine!
I make rockbuds (that don't have grain) into weapons.
ok my people find a random pink smudge in the dirt
You have no contact with anyone else, so you can't just copy other people's designs.
i do the same thing with the copper
Gelix has developed copper!