This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Brass is an alloy, but you discover copper.
Why did it double post?
One day while mining stone i discover this hard metallic dull colored rock. I call this element brass. make round things called wheels and use them to transport people and materials!
One day while mining stone i discover this hard metallic dull colored rock. I call this element brass. make round things called wheels and use them to transport people and materials!
Also you get a boost if you live near someone else because you can trade with them and grow your population faster.
Want to change your location?
You could of told me that before I chose to live in a mountain range.
i discover farming
So only Dragon discovers them
Rockbuds with lavis grain only grow in large, flat areas. Mountain ranges are not a good place to find them.