How can i incrase my expansion speed?
Everyone recieves a large population growth due to the discovery of fire.
Johnny, a few of your people make it out of the mountains and see a large, flat area with many rockbuds (plants that grow on stone, and some varieties contain lavis grain, which is basically the Rosharian equivilent of wheat). I should mention that there is no dirt/soil on Roshar besides in Shinovar, as Highstorms have all swept it away.
I also turn 25 of my people into soldiers
I provide a bonus for every family with more than 4 children
I expand in all dirrections
No one has fires hot enough to melt stone or copper yet.
Guys, you don't have to melt crem to form it, you just shape it like you would clay and then leave it t dry for a few days.
I said that I trained troops! However, on the key, it says that I have no troops.