This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I expand south.
I expand in all directions.
One day while digging, I discover lots of caves that are made of stone. Me and a small team of people crack the stone off the wall and we decide that we can use it to make stuff. I use the stuff to make all kinds of stone age tools and weapons.
I continue mining metals from the mountains.
*with the stone
i melt some crem and realize it can make stone so i make stone and ith the stone i make stone tools and a stone forge and get those wierd rocks and smelt them down to see what they make...
I also expand further inot the mountains.
I make a crem furnace, melt rock, and make a stone furnace. With that stone furnace, I melt my copper to create a copper pickaxe head.
my amiens also for fun started banging two sticks together and made fire we thought it was a enemy at first but then realized it could be useful
my amiens find wierd rocks sticking out of the ground we harvest and make tools out of them