This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I make stone carts that can be pulled by man power
I start using stone age technology. I also train troops.
While we were shaping the stick with another stick, some sort of smoke emerged, but we ignored it. Later it started burning, we indentifeied that by rubbing 2 wooden sticks really fast for a long time we make fire. We use it to heat at night, light up and cook our food
We also make short wooden spears with sparpened stone on top
Additional food is provided to families with more than 3 children
I expand in all dirrections
You finally succeed in identifying the rock that made the spark. It is a type of black quartz (flint) and it makes sparks when you hit it with another rock. You quickly master fire, although 2 people sustain minor burns and one hits their finger, bruising it.
While my citizens were trying to make tools, they made a tiny spark. We try to do it again, hoping to use the light to guide them through the night.
Uhh, those coordinates are in empty ocean.
What color?