This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
Well i learn to make stone tools because that is essential
Shards are... Well... It's kinda complicated.
You could learn to make stone tools from crem (a mudlike substance that is dissolved in rainwater and dries into stone)
Don't mountains provide protection?
And what are Shards?
I should also mention that your location makes your people extremely vurnerable to highstorms.
So i have pre stone age tech?
Oh right i forgot, there are other non human inferior races
The backstory of Roshar in the book is that humans were brought to Roshar from Yolen by Shards. On Yolen, they basically have a mixture of modern tech and magic, but the humans on Roshar started with basically nothing.
I mean we arent really apes, we are fully evolved humans, but we have no tech