This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
I do but mine veeeeeryyyyy sloooowlyyyyy.
I assume you did the tools thing?
Oh. *looks embaressed*
uh, im johnny :D
Search through the site I linked in the description and you will learn a lot.
Trees are very different than those on Earth. They are covered in a layer of brittle stone that you will need to break open to get at the wood inside.
To make tools: Make a mold of the shape you want out of something. Then fill it with rainwater. The crem in the rainwater (a mudlike substance that is dissolved in rainwater) will settle in the bottom of the mold and dry into stone. Repeat this until your mold is full of dried crem, and you will have the head of your tool.
Also, you haven't reached the stage where you have tools yet.
Island = Aimian Mountains = Horneater
Okay, so are you in the mountains or on the island???