Similair to eve? perhaps Elite Dangerous?...From what I understand no man's sky doesn't fit your criteria.
No Man's Sky seems pretty cool, but it's 60 bucks (!)
Avi, do you know of any multiplayer space-themed games similar to EVE-O?
@Jackx you need to make a canoe probably. Bows are already on the tech tree, and moving them would mean that logically you'd move crossbows, muskets, rifles, etc into artillery, which dosen't sound right. Their are dependencies for techs, they just aren't listed. In order to research cavalry you'd need to get at least 5 techs in every era before it, which would have to include horses. The number of days is already listed.
(This is definetly the last one) Advanced Particle Physics needs to be a requirement of the "Antimatter Bomb", seeing as antimatter is both a particle and quite advanced... that is from me, your local, friendly (ish) Quantum Physisist... (Space stuff the normal man would not learn at pre-school)
and finally (i hope, for today atleast) (WHY DID MY KEABOARD PUT AN 'M' AFTER 'EG.'!!!) is the number, in brackets, next to what you research, the number of days it will take to research that thing?
could you also (sorry for the amount of comments, but expect more!) say that certain techs need other techs beforehand to be researched, like, in brackets? eg.m Cavalry, you cannot have volleys of attacking horsmen, without horses...
also, do you think "Archers" as artillery, would be a good idea?
I have also noticed an issue with the tech tree, small cities are the biggest groups of housing you can make, the rest are upgrades and then go into space, please fix that, to make large cities?